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Leigh On Sea News. Mast Plan Ditched - PLANS for a large 5G mast in Marine Parade have been ditched, after a campaign by newly-elected Tory councillor for West Leigh saw over 130 objections raised.

Leigh On Sea News. Mast Plan Ditched – PLANS for a large 5G mast in Marine Parade have been ditched, after a campaign by newly-elected Tory councillor for West Leigh saw over 130 objections raised.

Mast Plan Ditched - PLANS for a large 5G mast in Marine Parade have been ditched, after a campaign by newly-elected Tory councillor for West Leigh saw over 130 objections raised.

PLANS for a large 5G mast in Marine Parade have been ditched, after a campaign by newly-elected Tory councillor for West Leigh saw over 130 objections raised.

Coun Owen Cartey expressed outrage at the proposal to erect a 15-meter 5G mast and accompanying cabinets by the public gardens near Thames Drive and Belton Way West, destroying what he termed “one of the best public views in Southend.”

When the issue was brough to his attention, the public consultation had garnered around 4 letters of objection, but following concerted efforts explaining the issue to the local residents, the number of objections rose to over 130.

He said: “Refusal of this planning application is fantastic news for those of us who live in West Leigh.

“With over 130 objections received by the Council, I am not surprised that people power prevailed in the end.”

Coun Cartey had worked hard to arm residents with valid planning grounds for an objection, including its nearness to nature reserves, whilst also working with Coun Faye Evans to bring about the delegated decision.

He added that the success of the campaign did not signal a lack of support for digital improvements: “It is important to remember that by and large we are supportive of upgrading the digital infrastructure in our community, but this absolutely has to be done in a way that protects important landscapes.

“Leigh is a coastal town and residents will fight any application that tries to obstruct our connection with the sea.

“Marine Parade does after all have the best view in the City. I’m glad that the additional letters, social media posts, and efforts from our neighbours were able to deliver such a surge in objections in the final days of the consultation. Thank you to everybody who took the time to make their view known.”

Picture: Coun Owen by the new Marine Parade pathway.

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