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Moon Corner Restaurant

An artist’s impression of the proposed restaurant.

PLANS are progressing for a new glass-fronted restaurant in a central area of Leigh known as ‘Moon Corner’.

The prominent site, on land linking 292 Leigh Road and 152 Broadway, was the subject of a planning application submitted last year, in which developers are proposing to build a three-floored, glass-fronted restaurant.

Applicants have also submitted a number of minor amendments in recent months, including a daylight and sunlight report to neighbouring properties.

The amended plans come as part of the increased popularity of the area and recent proliferation of new eateries and bars, with some councillors adding that the new restaurant would be a ‘great addition’ to this exponential trend.

Coun John Lamb, of West Leigh ward, welcomed the plans, saying that the area of Leigh was amenable to high class cuisine: “Leigh is getting a name as the place to be to dine out and go for drinks.

“This could be a good addition, especially if it offers different food to what we already have and gives an additional opportunity for residents.”

The site, which is almost opposite the Grand Hotel, has lain vacant for many years, whilst an earlier application to the council for a restaurant development on the site was previously rejected.

The applicants claim the new restaurant would create 40 new jobs if plans are accepted.

At the time of the initial plans being submitted last year, Leigh Lib-Dem Coun Peter Wexham was not in favour of the scheme, saying the site was neither big enough to support such a scheme, nor a safe place in which to increase road traffic.

He told Leigh on Sea News: “There is nowhere for parking, deliveries, or dropping people off on that corner. “It just doesn’t seem viable, as far as I’m concerned.”

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