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P Volunteers undeterred by rain 153
Out In Force - THE weather might have been a washout, but dedicated community volunteers were out in force clearing local streets of litter.
THE weather might have been a washout, but dedicated community volunteers were out in force clearing local streets of litter.
Rochford District Litter Pickers collected rubbish around Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park.
They reported a large amount of fly tipping as well as the usual glut of plastic and glass bottles cups takeaway containers.
A spokesperson said: “The weather was dire this morning for our volunteers’ litter picking around Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park and surrounding areas.
“Besides getting soaking wet we managed to collect all the plastic, cans, glass bottles, hub cap, takeaway containers etc
“Well done everyone involved you are truly hardcore braving the weather this morning- amazing work keeping our community clean. Thank you.
“There was serious fly tipping which has been reported to Rochford District Council for them to arrange for it to be collected.
“Thanks to KFC for your hospitality after a good soaking this was most appreciated.”
Picture: The pickers out in Rochford.
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