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Leigh On Sea News: Parking Charge Changes – COUNCILLORS will discuss proposals to change parking charges across the city from 1 April 2025, including reducing charges on the seafront and introducing a cheaper winter tariff.
Parking Charge Changes - COUNCILLORS will discuss proposals to change parking charges across the city from 1 April 2025, including reducing charges on the seafront and introducing a cheaper winter tariff.
COUNCILLORS will discuss proposals to change parking charges across the city from 1 April 2025, including reducing charges on the seafront and introducing a cheaper winter tariff.
Proposed changes include: Parking zones will be refreshed into four new zones, each with a standard tariff (A) and a low demand tariff (B).
Capping evening parking charges at £5 between 6pm and 9pm, down from the current £9.
Introducing a new winter tariff for November to January in the central seafront area.
A reduction in some charges in Zone 1A (central seafront) with average hourly charges in other zones across the tariffs set at inflationary levels since the zones were introduced in 2021.
Capping all-day parking charges on the seafront at £20 in Zone 1 A. This is a reduction of £5 from the current £25.
Creating a new Zone 1B on the seafront with cheaper charges and capping all day parking charges here to £17. This is a reduction of £8 from the current £25 and includes Eastern Esplanade car park.
Capping all day parking charges to £10 in all other zones.
Consistent evening charges at Shorefield Road and Cliffs Pavilion car parks in line with Zone 1A.
A reduction in coach parking charges from £25 down to £20 for pre-booked and from £50 down to £45 for pay on the day.
Freezing Southend Pass subscription costs at £12.50 per month or £125 a year.
Extending University Square car park opening hours to meet city centre parking needs.
A Council statement said: “The proposals aim to improve the management of parking across the city while supporting residents, visitors, and businesses, ensure fair use of parking space, and supporting Southend’s vibrant economy.
The Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee discussed the proposals on 16 December and will be discussed further by Cabinet on 19 December. If approved, a statutory public consultation will take place in early 2025, allowing residents and businesses to provide feedback before implementation.
Coun Daniel Cowan, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Corporate Strategy, said: “Parking charges are always keenly debated in the city, and understandably so.
“As an administration we have listened to the feedback we have received and have proposed many positive changes to the system, including capping all day costs, reducing charges in the central seafront area, reducing evening charges and proposing a reduced winter tariff from November, December and January.
“Our aim is to make parking in Southend more efficient, and as affordable as we can for local people and visitors, within the context of challenging financial times.
“Having met with a variety of key businesses from the seafront and the High Street to discuss these proposals, I believe we are making parking fairer and offering more choice to our residents and visitors.
“We are also proposing to freeze the cost of the Southend Pass, meaning this popular scheme will continue to offer outstanding value for money across the city.”
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