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Leigh On Sea News: Patients Peer Support – A NEW team of support workers for patients is set to expands to Rochford.
Patients Peer Support - A NEW team of support workers for patients is set to expands to Rochford.
A NEW team of support workers for patients is set to expands to Rochford.
The Inpatient Peer Support Team launched in March last year to help people receiving care from mental health services delivered by Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT).
All of the team have had experience of mental health challenges, and use these experiences and empathy to support people through their recovery, through one-to-one and group support, activities, and working closely with staff to ensure patients’ individual needs are being met.
Launching with patients at the Linden Centre and Crystal Centre in Chelmsford, there are now five peer support workers, with another nine who are completing their training.
Over the next six months they will be looking to also work with patients at the Poplar Adolescent Unit in Rochford and The Lakes in Colchester.
Inpatient Peer Support Team lead Renee Conley, who is a mental health therapist with lived experience of depression and anxiety, said: “Peer support is having a positive impact on people’s recovery and how they feel during their stay on the wards.
“They look out for us on the wards and find it reassuring to have us sit with them during meetings with staff.
“Some of our work helps patients to feel comfortable getting out of their rooms, so we might take them for walks and we lead activities with the activity coordinators and occupational therapists, which helps with their overall wellbeing.
“We also do a lot of advocacy work and ensuring their needs are being met, and we’ve seen better communication between staff and patients.
“Being sensitive and compassionate can really de-escalate any potential tension.”
Ms Conley continued: “We want everyone who uses our services to have the best possible experience and the Inpatient Peer Support Team support patients through their care, treatment and recovery.”
EPUT is also looking for people with lived experience of mental health to join their Peer Support Team, for which full specialist training and support will be received.
Anyone who would like to find out more can email [email protected]
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