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Leigh On Sea News. Perimeter Fence Extension - SOUTHEND Airport has announced it is set to extend its perimeter fence line.

Leigh On Sea News. Perimeter Fence Extension – SOUTHEND Airport has announced it is set to extend its perimeter fence line.

Perimeter Fence Extension - SOUTHEND Airport has announced it is set to extend its perimeter fence line.

SOUTHEND Airport has announced it is set to extend its perimeter fence line.

The south Essex airport will be extending the fence line around the emergency services rendezvous point for safety-based reasons, in collaboration with Essex Police.

A spokesperson for Southend Airport said on twitter: “Southend Airport, in collaboration with Essex Police, will be extending its perimeter fence around the emergency services rendezvous point and London Southend Jet Centre.

“This safety-based decision aims to ensure continuous and immediate availability of access for emergency vehicles, to protect client privacy and to prevent further risk from foreign object debris, i.e., waste packaging coming in from outside the airport’s boundary line.

“The area is within private airport land, and we request that individuals respect the new boundaries of this extended perimeter fence line and refrain from any unauthorised access.

“We understand that this decision may cause some frustration for persons who have previously accessed the area. So, to continue our ongoing successes in connecting with the community and as we recognise the desire to take images of aircraft, we will endeavour to share permitted images from future key events on our social platforms.

“We would like to thank Essex Police, our emergency planning partners, and our operational teams for their support on this matter.”

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