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Leigh On Sea News: Plans Thrown Out - PLANS to allow a hall in Leigh Library Gardens to be used as a business have been thrown out by Southend Council.

Leigh On Sea News: Plans Thrown Out – PLANS to allow a hall in Leigh Library Gardens to be used as a business have been thrown out by Southend Council.

Plans Thrown Out - PLANS to allow a hall in Leigh Library Gardens to be used as a business have been thrown out by Southend Council.

PLANS to allow a hall in Leigh Library Gardens to be used as a business have been thrown out by Southend Council.

An application was submitted to potentially change a store building and community hall in Leigh, that had previously been earmarked for use by the local fishing industry, into a private practise.

The recent proposal for the building, which is located in the Leigh Conservation Area, was forward by an applicant known as Mr Keal.

Lib Dem councillor Peter Wexham who is to switch to neighbouring West Leigh ward for the local elections in May was instrumental in getting money in 2020 from the FLAG (Fisheries Local Action Group) to transform the building in Leigh Library Gardens.

Coun Wexham said: “I attended and spoke at a Development Control Committee meeting saying how I was outraged that the Council wanted to take this away from the fishing industry when money from the FLAG was spent by the council on modifying the building.

“This is for use as a meeting place for local associations and to have training days in Leigh rather than sending crews up to Lowestoft or to show the public what can be done with fish and shellfish as well as the local fishing history.

“Arguments between Southend and Leigh Town Council and then Covid meant that nothing ever happened and the industry has never been spoken to about the use since then.

“Now, Southend want to put it on the market for commercial use.”

Coun Wexham explained why it was important the proposal had been turned down: “It’s not just a case of diving in and using fishing money for the council to make a profit out of it for somebody else. It’s immoral. It’s completely wrong and I’m very angry that this has had to get this far.

“It’s outrageous that it’s come to this.”

Leigh Conservation and Heritage, formerly known as the Leigh Society, also objected to the plans, adding that it represented a worrying precedent for commercialisation.

In an objection submitted to the council, the group reported: “In allowing this change of use, a dangerous precedent would be set for future intrusion of commercial uses into public assets such as the gardens.”

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