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Leigh On Sea News: Playground Tree Planting - LEIGH’S Green Party City councillor joined volunteers at a re-wilding event at a local school, run by local mental health charity Trust Links.

Leigh On Sea News: Playground Tree Planting – LEIGH’S Green Party City councillor joined volunteers at a re-wilding event at a local school, run by local mental health charity Trust Links.

Playground Tree Planting - LEIGH’S Green Party City councillor joined volunteers at a re-wilding event at a local school, run by local mental health charity Trust Links.

LEIGH’S Green Party City councillor joined volunteers at a re-wilding event at a local school, run by local mental health charity Trust Links.

Coun Richard Longstaff was joined by Green Party Leigh candidate Stuart Allen and several other Green Party volunteers at a tree-plaining in the playground at Darlinghurst Academy.

The Once Upon a Tree campaign group, founded by Coun Longstaff, works with communities in planting new trees and campaigns against unnecessary tree removal.

The event, which forms part of Trust Links’ wider Greening Southend project, was well-attended, with over 30 parents and students of the school going along to help plant a variety of native tree species.

Coun Longstaff said: “What an uplifting experience to be tree planting alongside so many community volunteers, including many families with children.

“There’s clearly a lot of resident support for getting trees in the ground, we just need more spaces across the city earmarked to plant them.”

A spokesperson for The Green Party said: “The ideal tree-planting season runs from November until March, and the Green Party are working hard with residents to identify potential locations across the City for tree-planting and getting stuck in by helping get the trees in the ground.

“It’s important that the city urgently puts measures in place to mitigate the effects of climate change, and trees and rewilding are the best and most cost-effective solutions for tackling both air pollution and the urban heating effect.”

They added: “We would like to thank the staff, parents, and students of Darlinghurst Academy for their involvement in this project, and would like to recognise and thank Matt, Elias, Fiona, and Emma from the Trust Links team for helping coordinate the event.”

Stuart Allen, Green Party City Council candidate for Leigh added: “It was great to be involved with the community to plant much-needed trees for the next generation of children.

“It was a fantastic atmosphere and a great example of the community coming together for a fantastic cause.”

Picture: Coun Longstaff (second left) with volunteers at the event

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