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Leigh On Sea News: Points Of View
Points Of View
Letter from: Tristan Bembridge, Fairfax Drive, Westcliff – Independent Candidate, Local Elections 2024.
SIR, I note with keen interest Confelicity Party Leader, James Miller’s letter to your website.
I wish to raise a few points with this letter regards cutting pay packets for staff.
Firstly, many people in local government have to pay back University Tuition Fees at huge costs.
Secondly, the cost of industrial action is staggering to local councils (us the taxpayer).
Thirdly James mentions The Dementia Team, it is something I’m glad he raised, some of our city councillors seem to have forgotten the cost of this service is tiny compared to those who may end up in private sector care homes, it’s simply letting down those who save the city millions providing care at home.
Moreover, Councillors, for the most part just voted through a rise in their expenses a few months back – double standards?
Lastly, there are a multitude of redundancies coming up, would you do a now impossible workload resulting from a big pay cut everyone?
I’d be delighted to hear back from fellow residents.
Letter from: Jill Allen-King O.B.E, Westcliff. Sent to Southend West MP, Anna Firth.
ANNA, you would have heard about the proposal to reduce postal services.
I would like you to make the Prime Minister and Parliament aware of the effect this will have on blind people.
Every week thousands of blind people receive their talking newspapers on a Saturday morning. These talking papers would have been recorded on a Thursday and posted on a Friday. This means blind people can receive their local news.
If there is no delivery on a Saturday, blind people will not receive their local news until the following week.
The talking newspaper also gives dates of local events that the blind people may need to know about.
We have 4 talking newspapers that cover our area. I do hope you can raise this as a question, so that all members of Parliament are made aware of the situation.
I do hope you can help please.
Letter from: Laura O’Connor, Leigh (Address supplied).
SIR, thinking of the Post Office (PO) fiasco, not the “Mr. Banks et al”, but the latest one. Has any successful business anywhere, ever, decided that putting the price up would encourage people to use their service more?
The PO is threatening to either put up the price of stamps, or reduce the number of days on which they deliver. (In fact I believe the first week in February will see and increase for 1st class stamps.)
I wonder if they have ever thought of the idea of actually dropping the price of stamps from the extortionate present level? I would be interested to know, just by straw poll, how many of us would have sent a lot more Christmas cards if the price of a Christmas Stamp had been, say, 50p instead of the usual 75p for 2nd class? Not only would it encourage people to use actual posted cards rather than e-greetings, but it would help the shops that sell cards.
And for everyday post, how many of us would send more via the P.O. if stamps were cheaper?
Parcels are also very expensive to send, but at least the public has a choice of delivery companies, but not so with letters, as far as I know.
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