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Leigh On Sea News: Points of View – LETTER from Coun Alan Hart, Leigh Town Council.
Points of View – LETTER from Coun Alan Hart, Leigh Town Council.

Cllr Hart (003)b
LETTER from Coun Alan Hart, Leigh Town Council.
SIR, a newspaper carried an item under the headline ‘Labour pact is paralysing the (City) Council’.
Meetings are being cancelled, constitution and regulations are being challenged, the minority group is being sidelined, decisions are being made by ‘executive order’ with no scrutiny and a Leader resists being replaced under normal practice until the threat of a vote of no confidence.
How familiar this must sound to those involved with or represented by Leigh Town Council.
If ever there was a clear case to keep (National) politics out of these levels of local administration, these experiences should provide adequate evidence.
As to ‘tapegate’ I personally inspected two of the Public Notice board cabinets after a Councillor had removed the legitimate notices issued on behalf of the public and found no signs of damage.
It could be said that any ‘damage’ was done by the denial of the request for the Annual Town Electors meeting until it was fully justified, this following from the failure to acknowledge the scheduled such meeting in April. The notices of the rescheduled meeting were not placed inside the cabinets subsequently.
Finally I can do no more than draw attention to the letters page of the Leigh News issue May 28 – worth reading.
Food for thought provided by Geoff Licence and Keith Evans, even that signed by former Councillor Mark Flewitt has some merit when you consider from whence comes the disruption to the normal running of this important level of local administration. The idea of a Commissioner overseeing some of this level of Council’s activities and providing advice on protocol and on the effect of decisions would be of value.
My commiserations to Mark, who resigned from LTC recently, perhaps he found that the regime is not what he signed up for?
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