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Leigh On Sea News: Points Of View – Letter from Coun Paul Gilson, Leigh Town Council.
Points Of View – Letter from Coun Paul Gilson, Leigh Town Council.
Letter from Coun Paul Gilson, Leigh Town Council.
SIR, I am an elected councillor on Leigh Town council and I am fed up with the constant lies being promoted about the majority conservative councillors on the council.
Claims that many were not elected as they stood unopposed, if only one person puts them self forward the law of the land says they are elected. Why should they be castigated for standing? It is not their fault that no one could be bothered to stand against them. Many Parish and Town councils across the country operate like this and no complaints or nationwide outcry!
The recent re-election of the Chairman called unprecedented by a past Chairman Keith Evans. Untrue, Coun Richard Herbert 2014/15 and Coun Mulroney has been chairmen twice.
The selling off of Manchester Drive Allotments and Leigh Community Centre, both claims totally untrue. These claims have been hyped up and assisted for political gain by all parties including sitting Leigh and Southend Councillors who knew this to be impossible.
SCC owns Community Centre and the Allotments are legal tied up to make such sale impossible.
Despite claims to the contrary Leigh Town Council was not a happy place to be as a Councillor or employee. The very high turnover of both staff and councillors shows how toxic the council has been. At the last election over half on the Councillors resigned, good people, why?
Ex Councillors and Staff continue to come forward to tell us of their bad experiences. I was warned by the late Chris Baily that I should not join as it was toxic, I wish I had listened, but this was long before the conservatives were elected.
Let us reflect Leigh Town Council has few powers, but can make a difference to its residents, running the Community Centre for one. However; this asset has been neglected and is in need of decoration. The café kitchen was full of ancient equipment and we have set about renewing and improving the facility. The service by the staff there is excellent and I would recommend the coffee and cakes in particular.
We are also looking to have two accessible raised beds at the allotments for disabled persons. Re-furnishment of the benches and brick work on Strand Wharf.
The hanging baskets are now in place, concerns over costs abound. However; the contract has been in place before we were elected no one complained then?
Previous administrations have wasted vast amounts of money on less than sensible ideas.
The Belvedere on Leigh Cliffs abused and defaced, the nature cups welded to the sea wall abreast of the Peter Boat in the Old Town. Both stand unused and neglected.
What we are witnessing is not confined to Leigh it is across the country. What we are seeing is the undermining of democracy, sadly some think it great sport. Often attacking individuals with vile claims or accusations anonymously on social media.
My aim is and has always been to serve and improve the lives of the residents of Leigh in some small way. I will continue to do so.
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