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Political Viewpoint – By James Miller Confelicity Party.
Political Viewpoint - By James Miller Confelicity Party.
By James Miller Confelicity Party.
The dust has not yet settled on the General Election earthquake that has seen Starmer take power on the back of Farage.
Labour are rolling out their policies at pace and with gusto on a mission driven mission to prove they can fulfil their missions. Their manifesto appeared written by AI and I don’t say this to be derogatory – I challenge you to read it and not conclude something similar.
That is not to say there aren’t many positives in there, but it was so broad and vague that it was difficult to understand exactly what it is they will be doing. I’m not sure it matters, my feeling is that people just want some competency and decency at this point in time.
Starmer, whilst prone to retract and u-turn, at least has the appearance of sensibleness at face value, and such is the low level of expectation we have of our national leaders, the famine of this quality makes it now a rare and precious commodity!
Only a glaringly poor policy that will affect the public psyche will prevent him enjoying a gentle time of it for now, but I believe we already have one.
With the King’s speech over we now know that the country’s greenbelt land is anyone’s game. Labour will re-classify green to greybelt in the stroke of a pen and councils won’t have any power to stop it.
This is consistent with their pledge to reinstate the housing targets where they want to build 1.5 million homes.
This merely serves to provide more fuel for Farage when he talks about closing our borders.
Reform UK, who are now Labour’s greatest threat, will feed off this and grow their vote share further. Their manifesto, while mostly fine, contains a number of elements that could be perceived as racist, intolerant and authoritarian in their mission to give ordinary people their country back, and is not wholly acceptable to me.  (I am neither ‘woke’ nor wish for things to go back to how they were, and think the polarisation of these arguments serve only to divide us.)
For Confelicity, our’s is not a multi-cultural argument. Whilst there are clear examples of people who openly state they wish to replace British values with something else, the vast majority of people are perfectly happy living amongst each other.
Confelicity’s agenda is adamantly fighting against building on greenbelt land and reducing any of our green spaces. We will do whatever we can to stop any of our land being turned into more concrete and vehemently oppose Labour’s environmentally damaging move.
Our infrastructure is also grossly underfunded and under-resourced, and whilst we are pro brownfield sites being developed for affordable housing, we acknowledge that swelling the population of Southend to accommodate more people moving into the city is exasperating the problems further.
As a local party, we are the only ones who are in a position to say that we are affected personally. With respect to Reform UK, Labour and the other national parties, do their London HQs really care what happens to us?
We didn’t manage to hit the vote share we had hoped for in the General Election, but understand why.
People wanted change from the Conservatives and many went to Reform in hope of that change. We have Labour as a result and for some inexplicable reason we now have a situation where our land is ready to be hacked away and the queues to access public services extended even further.
For our Labour Councillors and new Labour MPs I look forward to hearing a strong stand against this. Anything other than a clear statement saying our environment and infrastructure are already struggling would not be enough to satisfy the residents of Southend and Leigh.
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