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Leigh On Sea News: Political Viewpoint – By Coun Tony Cox, Councillor for West Shoebury Ward, Leader of Southend Reform UK Group. Southend to pay Thurrock’s debts?
Political Viewpoint - By Coun Tony Cox, Councillor for West Shoebury Ward, Leader of Southend Reform UK Group. Southend to pay Thurrock’s debts?
By Coun Tony Cox, Councillor for West Shoebury Ward, Leader of Southend Reform UK Group.
Southend to pay Thurrock’s debts?
The Devolution White Paper published by Government in December set out the basis of the Government’s proposed root and branch overhaul of local government in England.
In early January, Southend City Council along with Essex County Council and Thurrock Council asked Government for Essex to be considered as a priority area. The Government obliged, and local election planned for May were undemocratically cancelled in Thurrock and Essex Couty Council, denying millions their vote.
So what does Devolution mean for Southend? As part of the Devolution programme, an elected London-style Mayor will be introduced for Essex in 2026, which will mean an additional Council Tax Precept to pay for on top of the high rates we pay for a Mayor that I am yet to find anyone who supports.
It will also mean that Southend Council as we know it, will not exist and will be forced to merge with other Council’s to form a super unitary Council. It seems likely that Southend City Council will merge with Rochford District Council and Castle Point Council.
At this stage, it is unclear if the planned City Council elections scheduled for 2026 will still go ahead but if they do, they certainly will not be the planned all-out elections on new ward boundaries as the Boundary Commission have ceased further work in light of the Government’s announcements.
I have been a vocal critic of the cancelling of the 2025 local elections and will continue to oppose any attempts to cancel the 2026 local elections here in Southend. It is vital and a cornerstone of our democracy that those who will be making key decisions on our future have the democratic mandate to do so.
I have long been sceptical of the Government claims that Devolution will reduce costs to the taxpayer. There is some evidence to suggest that previous reorganisations leads to poorer frontline services, limited efficiency savings and rarely deliver what they promise.
This week, Southend City Council will be debating the Administration’s proposed submission to Government on the progress of Devolution. The report suggests that these concerns are well founded.
The report confirms that it will cost Council’s in Essex a minimum (but acknowledges the true costs will be higher) £7.5 Million to just submit a final bid to Government in September.
The cost to Southend will be £1 Million in if Government doesn’t cover these costs will leave a black hole in the finances as this cost hasn’t been budgeted for in the new budget passed last month.
What is really concerning, is that Southend City Council will ask Government to be able to raise Council Tax for 2026/27 and 2027/28 above the capped level so all Council’s in Essex will be debt free for when the ‘new’ Council’s come into existence in either 2027 or 2028.
What we are in effect being asked to support is raising Council Tax by eye watering levels to help pay off Thurrock’s debts!
There are further questions that need to be asked but as the report currently stands, Reform UK will not be supporting these proposals.
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