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Leigh On Sea News. Raucous Council Meeting - THE depressing spectacle of another chaotic Leigh Town Council meeting took place on October 25 at the Leigh Community centre, with members of the public jeering and heckling as councillors battled through the agenda and questions from the public.

Leigh On Sea News. Raucous Council Meeting – THE depressing spectacle of another chaotic Leigh Town Council meeting took place on October 25 at the Leigh Community centre, with members of the public jeering and heckling as councillors battled through the agenda and questions from the public.

Raucous Council Meeting - THE depressing spectacle of another chaotic Leigh Town Council meeting took place on October 25 at the Leigh Community centre, with members of the public jeering and heckling as councillors battled through the agenda and questions from the public.

Leigh On Sea News. Raucous Council Meeting - THE depressing spectacle of another chaotic Leigh Town Council meeting took place on October 25 at the Leigh Community centre, with members of the public jeering and heckling as councillors battled through the agenda and questions from the public.

Leigh On Sea News. Raucous Council Meeting – THE depressing spectacle of another chaotic Leigh Town Council meeting took place on October 25 at the Leigh Community centre, with members of the public jeering and heckling as councillors battled through the agenda and questions from the public.

THE depressing spectacle of another chaotic Leigh Town Council meeting took place on October 25 at the Leigh Community centre, with members of the public jeering and heckling as councillors battled through the agenda and questions from the public.

Members of the public filled the hall, with extra chairs being put out by council staff to accommodate the unusual numbers.

During the meeting Chairman Coun Bernard Arscott threatened to eject hecklers and even adjourn the meeting because of the hostile interruptions made by members of the public.

Coun Arscott tried to enforce the fact that the meeting was ‘open to the public’, rather than being a ‘public meeting’, however, his words carried little weight with the crowd, who maintained their vocal hostility, eventually, even Coun Mulroney asked the public to restrain themselves.

In response to public questions, assurances were given that the council fully intends to keep, maintain and try to improve the Council’s Over 60s club, the Manchester Drive allotments and the Community Centre itself.

Leigh Ward’s Green Party City Coun Richard Longstaff, provided an update on his work at the city council, particularly relating to the preservation and planting of trees in the City. He also appealed for: “some stability at the town council” adding: “it’s very reassuring to hear that the community centre will be maintained.”

A number of matters could not be properly dealt with, primarily as a result of admin difficulties, but Coun Arscott confirmed that, in respect of most items, written answers would be provided and published on the Town Council’s website within 7 days.

Coun Mulroney challenged Coun Arscott on a large number of issues including: The Town Clerks suspension (along with a member of the public) and how much it had cost the council so far: The handling of staff grievances: The lack of meetings that should have taken place: The lack of published minutes from previous meetings: Concerns about setting the Council Tax Precept on time: Councillor training.

She also highlighted City Council proposals for a consultation about changing the local electoral system.

Coun Hart was voted onto the Planning, Licensing and Highways Committee replacing Coun Robinson who has stepped down from the committee. Coun Hart is now the second non Tory councillor to sit on a council committee.

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