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Leigh On Sea News. Recommended For Approval - CONTROVERSIAL plans for a glass-fronted restaurant on a tiny patch of Leigh is set to get a go-ahead, despite multiple objections from councillors.

Leigh On Sea News. Recommended For Approval – CONTROVERSIAL plans for a glass-fronted restaurant on a tiny patch of Leigh is set to get a go-ahead, despite multiple objections from councillors.

Recommended For Approval - CONTROVERSIAL plans for a glass-fronted restaurant on a tiny patch of Leigh is set to get a go-ahead, despite multiple objections from councillors.

CONTROVERSIAL plans for a glass-fronted restaurant on a tiny patch of Leigh is set to get a go-ahead, despite multiple objections from councillors.

After Southend Council’s Development Control Committee postponed plans to discuss the controversial development, they will meet this week to discuss the plans, which have been recommended for approval.

The plans, for a two-story glass fronted restaurant sited on land known as Moon Corner between Leigh Broadway and Leigh Road, has sparked both approval and disapproval locally, with official objections being submitted by Leigh Town Council.

Newly-elected Leigh Town Council Chairman Bernard Arscott reportedly commented: “I’m quite surprised it’s been recommended approval.

“It’s a very small site on a very tight corner.”

Leigh LibDem councillor Peter Wexham has previously slammed the application, stating that the busty road corner upon which the developers propose a restaurant would be an unsafe place for a it to be located, in terms of deliveries and car drop offs.

He also agreed that it was a small site, adding: “When you look at the corner on at the plan of the building it is hard to see how they can manage to get the number of tables in the building.”

Coun Arscott added that he hoped the plans for the restaurant would be rejected.

He said: “I hope the development control committee Very carefully considers this application

“I hope they take into account that is it is in such a small confined location.”

In Leigh Town Council’s official letter of objection, it cited the crampedness of the development as a reason for rejection.

It also said the application represented over-development of land that was detrimental to the appearance of the surrounding area and not sympathetic to the local character of that part of Leigh.

Of the 18 letters of objection, four were from one address and two were from another.

Picture: An artists’ impression of the planned restaurant.



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