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Leigh On Sea News. Rewilding Around Leigh - Letter from Coun Paul Gilson, Thames Ward, Leigh.

Leigh On Sea News. Rewilding Around Leigh – Letter from Coun Paul Gilson, Thames Ward, Leigh.

Rewilding Around Leigh - Letter from Coun Paul Gilson, Thames Ward, Leigh.

Leigh On Sea News. Rewilding Around Leigh - Letter from Coun Paul Gilson, Thames Ward, Leigh.

Leigh On Sea News. Rewilding Around Leigh – Letter from Coun Paul Gilson, Thames Ward, Leigh.

Letter from Coun Paul Gilson, Thames Ward, Leigh.

SIR, much has been said recently on the rewilding of areas around Leigh.

We are constantly told how nature and especially bees will benefit from it. However, many residents believe it’s nothing to do with encouraging nature, but a cost cutting exercise by the previous administration at Southend City Council.

I walked to Gypsy Bridge last week with a retired farmer, who asked what was this tangled mess on the cliffs. I explained the motive behind it, and he laughed.

These cliffs have been parks or gardens for over a hundred years; any wildflowers are long gone. It will take many years for them to re-establish, look at what is there now: there are no bees. He continued, “You have badgers on these cliffs: bees are one of their favourite snacks!”

I have tabled a motion at the next meeting of Leigh Town Council to buy wildflower seeds. These seeds to be sown in areas that are not to be maintained within the normal Council maintenance programme.

All being well the badgers will be moving on, so we can hope for a resurgence in many of the natural flora and fauna. We may even see a hedgehog again.  Nature needs a hand, and I am hoping that sowing wildflowers is a start.

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