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Leigh On Sea News: Sarah Moore Saved – A POPUALR Leigh pub has been saved from closure at the last minute, after landlords gave landlords a chance to make a success of their beloved local.
Sarah Moore Saved - A POPUALR Leigh pub has been saved from closure at the last minute, after landlords gave landlords a chance to make a success of their beloved local.
A POPUALR Leigh pub has been saved from closure at the last minute, after landlords gave landlords a chance to make a success of their beloved local.
The team at the Sarah Moore on Elm Road recently held a goodbye party after devastating news in October revealed the building they’re housed would be transformed into housing.
Will Ferrell and Charley Costello have run the pub since December 2022, but were forced to close when their lease recently came to an end.
It’s since been announced that the pair, both 30, have been given a new 12-month lease with the potential to extend to 10 years, after the latest plans revealed that the ground floor would no longer be developed for housing, but remain a commercial space.
With a big opening party set for the end of the month, Will said: “Now that we’re going alone, we will be the only fully independent pub in Leigh.”
Speaking about the new chance the pair have been given, Will commented: “it’s really good news and while we’re obviously going to give it a go, we also need the support of the community to help us make the business as successful as possible.
“We no longer have to answer to anyone, which means we’re going to be able to do cheaper prices than before.”
The pub became The Sarah Moore in the 1990s, and quickly became an important location on the drinking circuit.
It was named after a local legendary figure: that of the alleged witch, Sarah More, who is said to have raised the storms of the Thames Estuary.
With a new chapter in the pub’s history, Will and Charley are planning a grand reopening on January 29, and are looking to extend their reach into the community with partnerships with local traders.
Will added: “We are planning a big shake up to our branding and will be working closely with local breweries such as the Leigh-on-Sea Brewery, to provide a lot more diversity than we previously have.”
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