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THE local charity ‘Southend Makes Music’ held a school’s music festival at Westcliff’s Palace Theatre showcasing the talent of over 800 young singers and musicians.

THE local charity ‘Southend Makes Music’ held a school’s music festival at Westcliff’s Palace Theatre showcasing the talent of over 800 young singers and musicians.

THE local charity ‘Southend Makes Music’ held a school’s music festival at Westcliff’s Palace Theatre showcasing the talent of over 800 young singers and musicians.

THE local charity ‘Southend Makes Music’ held a school’s music festival at Westcliff’s Palace Theatre showcasing the talent of over 800 young singers and musicians.

Anna Firth MP enjoyed a performance from Leigh North Street pupils, a primary school in her constituency, on one of the four nights the festival was held on.

The whole event, supported by funding from the Department for Education and Arts Council England, saw 24 different groups, including choirs, rock bands and an orchestra.

Amongst it all was Sonny the Bird, the official mascot of the week who helped provide even more smiles to an already happy occasion.

Ms Firth said: “Southend Makes Music is such an awesome event, giving our young people both the confidence and space to try out their creative talents whilst gaining extra confidence.”

“I was delighted to attend on the Tuesday night, wishing I could have done all four shows throughout the week. It was an especially proud moment to watch Leigh North Street blow the room away with their performance.”

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