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Leigh On Sea News: Supporting WASPI Campaign – ANNA Firth, MP for Southend West, held her fifth Super Surgery on Friday March 15 at St Margaret’s church hall, Southend.
Supporting WASPI Campaign - ANNA Firth, MP for Southend West, held her fifth Super Surgery on Friday March 15 at St Margaret’s church hall, Southend.
ANNA Firth, MP for Southend West, held her fifth Super Surgery on Friday March 15 at St Margaret’s church hall, Southend.
Among the constituents who booked in to see Ms Firth privately were two local WASPI (Women Against State Pension Inequality) campaigners, Frances Neil and Deborah Dalton.
Ms Neil and Ms Dalton are part of the large cohort of women born between 6 April 1950 – 5th April 1960 for whom the date on which they can draw their state pension was moved back.
The WASPI women claim that they were not informed adequately of the changes or how it would affect them financially.
They are asking for redress and compensation. A number of campaigners – over a quarter of a million – have since died before seeing a resolution to their problem.
Ms Firth said: “I was so glad that my local WASPI women, Frances Neil and Debbie Dalton, took the time to come and see me at last week’s ‘Super Surgery’ which was held on Friday March 15.
“I raised their plight, and that of all the WASPI Women in the Commons, and the Pensions Minister has offered to meet me to discuss this important matter.
“With the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman having concluded its investigation and the final report issued today, I stand by my call for a Government statement to enable MPs to debate the issue.
“If you want to understand the problem in a nutshell, watch my short video:”
Ms Neil said: “When Anna replaced the late Sir David Amess, who was very supportive of us, the WASPI Women, she pledged to continue his support and we are asking for that to continue now, and after a General Election.
“We came to Anna Firth’s Super Surgery to make sure that Anna understood the compensation that is needed and necessary and how deeply women have been affected and how they feel that they must be helped to overcome the financial and emotional stress that they’ve suffered because of the state pension changes.”
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