A WESTCLIFF-based sight loss charity held a half term event in Hockley for families with visually impaired children.
The event at CJ’s Bowling Alley, organised by Southend in Sight, saw seven families compete alongside friends and siblings.
The event was free for all as the charity had received a donation in memory of Sheila Murphy.
Ms Murphy’s family wanted local visually impaired children to benefit from this gift.
Georgie Haynes, Community Engagement Officer, who organised the event said: “It was lovely to be part of such a fun afternoon – the children really enjoyed coming together and spending time with each other and their families.”
Southend in Sight CEO Lucy Martin, added: “We are so grateful to Sheila’s family for the donation. It really has made a difference to these local families, who have been given the freedom to bowl together, and an opportunity to connect with others in a similar situation to their own.”
All the children received medals celebrating their efforts, followed by a meal with their families, whilst experienced sighted and non-sighted volunteers from Southend in Sight were on hand to give guidance.
If you, your group or company would like to make a donation and sponsor a future event for children, please call 01702 342131.
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