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Leigh On Sea News. Tamil Sports Day - ON Saturday July 15, Anna Firth, MP for Southend West, attended the Tamil Community Sports Day at St Mary’s Prittlewell Catholic Junior Primary School, an event organised by the Southend Tamil Community Forum.

Leigh On Sea News. Tamil Sports Day – ON Saturday July 15, Anna Firth, MP for Southend West, attended the Tamil Community Sports Day at St Mary’s Prittlewell Catholic Junior Primary School, an event organised by the Southend Tamil Community Forum.

Tamil Sports Day - ON Saturday July 15, Anna Firth, MP for Southend West, attended the Tamil Community Sports Day at St Mary’s Prittlewell Catholic Junior Primary School, an event organised by the Southend Tamil Community Forum.

ON Saturday July 15, Anna Firth, MP for Southend West, attended the Tamil Community Sports Day at St Mary’s Prittlewell Catholic Junior Primary School, an event organised by the Southend Tamil Community Forum.

Events included flag-hoisting, the lighting of a well-being lamp, a tribute to victims of genocide and an award ceremony following the competitions.

Ms Firth had previously attended the sports day in 2022 and visited again this year to emphasise her on-going support for the Tamil community in Southend.

After she arrived, she tried her hand at the “throwing the ball” event and subsequently enjoyed some ice-cream.

She met the organisers of the event, including Logendran Thayabaran, Head of Southend Tamil School and many other members of the local Tamil Community.

She said: “It was an absolute pleasure to come back to the Tamil Community Sports day for the second year in a row.

“I thoroughly enjoyed the day last year, so I was particularly looking forward to coming again today and it did not disappoint.

“It was great to see so many children out and about and competing in events.

“I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who took part and to Logen for inviting me.

“Looking forward to next year.”

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