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Leigh On Sea News. Teens On Tracks - TEENAGERS who trespassed near to Hockley Station have sparked fears about a rise in this kind of indecent.

Leigh On Sea News. Teens On Tracks – TEENAGERS who trespassed near to Hockley Station have sparked fears about a rise in this kind of indecent.

Teens On Tracks - TEENAGERS who trespassed near to Hockley Station have sparked fears about a rise in this kind of indecent.

TEENAGERS who trespassed near to Hockley Station have sparked fears about a rise in this kind of indecent.

The British Transport Police were called about two teenage boys who had got on to the tracks at the station on Thursday, July 27, in what is understood to be the fourth incident of its kind at the station this year.

Derek Monnery, chairman of the Essex Rail Users Federation, said: “Railways are very tempting places for young people to congregate.

“But they are also dangerous, with high voltage cables that can kill you instantly and although most trains stop at stations on the Southend line, a few empty stock workings will travel fast.

“Young people are killed playing on railway land every year.

“Schools should invite speakers from Network Rail, especially where there is a high rate of trespass.”

A spokesman for the British Transport Police said: “We received a report of two teenage boys trespassing in separate instances at Hockley Station.

“This is the fourth report of trespass at Hockley Station this year.”

The statement also urged more caution, and stressed the dangers of such activity: “Stepping onto the track at any time or in any circumstance is extremely dangerous.

“You cannot see or hear the most dangerous parts of the railway. Modern trains can almost silently reach speeds of 125 mph.

“The electrified third rail looks like an ordinary rail, but carries enough electricity to kill you or leave you with life-changing injuries.

“BTP and Network Rail’s You vs Train campaign highlights the devastating consequences of trespassing on the railway visit:”

Picture: Hockley station. Pic Google Maps

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