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Leigh On Sea News. The Heavy Soul – AN artist has artwork displayed at Leigh Community Centre.
The Heavy Soul - AN artist has artwork displayed at Leigh Community Centre.
AN artist has artwork displayed at Leigh Community Centre.
Matt Loynes has four pieces in a show called The Heavy Soul, exploring life, meaning, fear, loneliness and beauty,
Mr Loynes said: “The Heavy Soul Exhibition is raising funds and conversations for Andys Man Club.
“I have five pieces on show currently and each has a story behind them.”
Andys Man Club promotes positive mental health in men, and takes its name from Andrew Roberts, a man who sadly took his own life aged 23 in early 2016.
The A spokesperson for the group explained: “Andy’s family had no inkling that he was suffering or struggling to the extent that he would do this, and as a result looked deeper into male suicide and men’s mental health.
“They soon discovered that male suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50, with male mental health surrounded by well-ingrained cultural stigma in the UK.
“Groups now operate nationwide and are completely volunteer-led, with a service used on a weekly basis by almost 2000 men.”
Picture: Heart and Mind -The Four Horseman. Painting by Matt Loynes. Pic Faceboook.
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