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AN independent mental health charity that supports people in Rochford, Southend and Castle Point received essential donations from Rochford District Council.

AN independent mental health charity that supports people in Rochford, Southend and Castle Point received essential donations from Rochford District Council.

AN independent mental health charity that supports people in Rochford, Southend and Castle Point received essential donations from Rochford District Council.

AN independent mental health charity that supports people in Rochford, Southend and Castle Point received essential donations from Rochford District Council.

Trust Links, who run Growing Together, attended the Annual Civic Dinner, at which they were donated with over £1,000 through the proceeds of the raffle and auction.

A spokesperson for the charity said: “What an amazing night.

“We would like to give a huge thank you to The Chairman of Rochford District Council, Coun Mike Steptoe and everyone who attended.

“Through their raffle and auction they managed to raise a wonderful £1027, which will be split between Trust Links and Achievement Through Football as part of Councillor Steptoe’s chosen charity.”

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