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Leigh On Sea News: Unlock Funding Opportunities – THERE is still time to apply for government funding.

Leigh On Sea News: Unlock Funding Opportunities – THERE is still time to apply for government funding.

Unlock Funding Opportunities – THERE is still time to apply for government funding.

THERE is still time to apply for government funding.

Businesses, charities, and community organisations in Southend are invited to seize a funding opportunity. The application window for the second round of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) is officially open.

This fund offers financial support for projects that tackle local needs and aims to uplift the community. Southend has been allocated £815,000 in core UKSPF funding for the period from 2024 to 2025.

The UKSPF is a significant part of the government’s initiative to level up across the nation. Its primary goal is to boost community pride and broaden opportunities across the UK.

Southend City Council has pinpointed three critical local areas: volunteering, business support, and skills. Through this fund, they aim to back projects that address these priorities, fostering growth and development within the community.

Funding priorities in Southend: Communities and place – Supporting impactful volunteering or social action projects.

Local business – Strengthening local entrepreneurial networks.

People and skills – Offering tailored support for employed individuals to access courses and employment assistance for economically inactive individuals.

Coun Daniel Nelson, cabinet member for economic growth and investment, said: “The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is an excellent opportunity for local organisations to contribute to our community’s growth while advancing their own goals.

“I strongly encourage businesses, charities and community organisations to apply if they align with our local priorities and can truly make a difference in our communities.”

In the previous call for projects launched on 16 December 2022, funding was awarded to six volunteering projects and three business support initiatives.

Draft applications are to be submitted by Wednesday November 29. For further details about the fund visit: To request an application pack email [email protected].

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