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Leigh On Sea News: Volunteers Being Sought – COMMUNITY partners seek “Angels” to greet visitors to The Knife Angel.
Volunteers Being Sought - COMMUNITY partners seek “Angels” to greet visitors to The Knife Angel.
COMMUNITY partners seek “Angels” to greet visitors to The Knife Angel.
A willing group of volunteers is being sought as Southend prepares to host a national monument against violence and aggression.
Community safety partners are asking the local community to volunteer with them while the monument, known as The Knife Angel, is in Southend, throughout July.
The role of the volunteers or ‘Angels’ as they have been nicknamed, is to be approachable and engage with members of the public and help them find out more about The Knife Angel, events happening throughout the month, and how people can get involved.
Volunteers will form an information ‘hub’ based at the statue. The Knife Angel will be on display at the top of Southend high street in the Victoria Plaza area outside the Odeon Cinema and WHSmith from Monday July 1, up to and including Sunday July 28.
Jo Collins, Chief Inspector and District Commander for Southend, said: “The Knife Angel is a unique statue crafted entirely from confiscated knives, sparking conversations about the harmful effects of violent behaviour on our communities.
“Southend is using the presence of the national monument against violence and aggression as an opportunity to educate, promote non-violence, and provide essential support to make our community safer.”
Alan Richards, Executive Director for Environment and Place, said: “We are looking for compassionate, patient and willing people to come forward and give a couple of hours of their time.
“Volunteers don’t have to have any community safety background and are not required to be experts in this subject as our community safety partners will be on hand to support all volunteers.
“This is about working together to further open people’s eyes to this important issue and would encourage people to come forward.”
Around 24 ‘Angels’ are required to cover a total of four shifts per day, (minimum of three volunteers per shift) which are two to two and a half hours long. Shifts are offered between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday and 10am-6pm on Saturdays, throughout July.
Volunteers can do one or two shifts or as many as they would like – volunteers need to be 16 years and over. All volunteers will be supported by organisers and community safety professionals during every shift and fully briefed before the first shift.
Many local businesses have come forward to sponsor The Knife Angel in Southend, covering areas such as transport and logistics, installation, and design and printing.
Southend Community Safety Partnership would like to thank the following businesses: Marlborough Highways, Mtec Fine Art Distribution, Formara Print and Marketing, Stambridge Security and Edmunds Ltd.
To express and interest in being part of the ‘Angels’ volunteers, please email [email protected]
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