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zz Leigh On Sea News: Waverly Timetable Announced – A NOSTALGIC experience is on the horizon as the iconic paddle steamer, The Waverley, sets course for Southend this year.Waverley to celebrate Pier of the Year 200
Waverly Timetable Announced - A NOSTALGIC experience is on the horizon as the iconic paddle steamer, The Waverley, sets course for Southend this year.
A NOSTALGIC experience is on the horizon as the iconic paddle steamer, The Waverley, sets course for Southend this year.
The eagerly awaited full timetable for its beloved estuary cruises has just been unveiled.
From September 27 to October 13, Waverley, the last seagoing passenger-carrying paddle steamer worldwide, will grace Southend Pier once again for the London and Thames Estuary voyages.
The comprehensive itinerary for these sought-after excursions, promises a journey to Tower Bridge, the storied Second World War Maunsell Forts, Gravesend, Ipswich, and Clacton, alongside scenic cruises along the River Medway.
A series of special cruises are also planned, including a commemorative voyage to Rochester to celebrate the paddle steamer Medway Queen’s 100th anniversary, a D-Day tribute cruise, and Radio Caroline anniversary expeditions.
The grand finale awaits on October 13, with a spectacular cruise departing from Southend Pier, bound for the Thames Forts, during which passengers will witness a majestic parade of historic steam tugs.
Launched in 1946, Waverley boasts a capacity of up to 800 passengers.
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