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Leigh On Sea News: Westcliff Flats Plan – A ROW of businesses in Westcliff could be demolished if planning officers approve plans for two blocks of flats.
Westcliff Flats Plan - A ROW of businesses in Westcliff could be demolished if planning officers approve plans for two blocks of flats.
A ROW of businesses in Westcliff could be demolished if planning officers approve plans for two blocks of flats.
Developer Dove Jeffrey Homes has filed a planning application to build a five-storey block of 14 apartments and a second four-storey block with 11 flats at 658 to 664 London Road.
The site, which the develops says has a “shortage of properties” was subject to a separate planning application, which was refused in 2022.
The plans have been recommended for approval by the council planning officials.
The council received two letters of representation from residents, one objecting to the new scheme and one in support.
The latter was concerned over traffic and overdevelopment, whilst support came in relation to the “high quality” design of the flats.
The objector cited parking and traffic concerns and overdevelopment while the residents supporting the scheme said it “looks to be of high quality” and the city needs more homes.
Recommending approval, planning inspectorate report said: “The proposal has been found by officers to be acceptable in all relevant regards.
“This proposal creates new housing, therefore, when assessing any harm identified, it is necessary to demonstrate that, in reaching this decision, an appropriate balancing exercise has been undertaken considering the benefits of the proposal and any harm. The council has a deficit in housing land supply so the tilted balance in favour of sustainable development should be applied when determining the application as relevant.”
If approved the developer will pay a financial contribution of £19,780.30 towards secondary education locally.
Picture: The proposed design. Picture by Dove Jeffrey Homes
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