What’s on
Dixon Sessions Return
A WESTCLIFF theatre is rolling out a new season celebrating the best in local live music.
Southend Theatres have announced the[...]

Female Voices Festival
A MASSED gathering of local women’s choirs will present[...]

Rayleigh Scooter Cavalcade
SCOOTER boys and scooter girls rode into Rayleigh this [...]

Art from the Heart
HARP, Southend’s homelessness charity, has proudly rese[...]
RODS Murder Mystery
RAYLEIGH Operatic and Dramatic Society (RODS) will be performing ‘The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic [...]

Horticultural Society’s AGM
ON a sunny March 1, Leigh Horticultural Society (LHS) k[...]

Healthier Habits Event
RESIDENTS in Rayleigh are being invited to the Healthie[...]

Showcasing Local Talent
EXCITEMENT is building as final preparations are made f[...]

Waddle-on-Sea Penguins
PENGUINS for this summer’s Waddle-on-Sea art trail have[...]

Charity Hospital Abseil
REACH new heights by abseiling and raising money for ho[...]

Carry On Compulsion
A NEW stage show phenomenon currently touring the UK li[...]

Free Exhibition Opportunity
ROCHFORD District Council is inviting local artists, vo[...]