Rayleigh Windmill
Rochford District Council is pleased to announce that the Rayleigh Windmill will be opening 2 days over the Winter School Holidays, on Wednesday 21 December 2022 and Wednesday 4 January 2023, 10am-1pm.
The award-winning Rayleigh Windmill, in Bellingham Lane, offers a host of activities for the whole family to enjoy, as well as an opportunity to learn about local history and see some breath-taking views from the top of the building. Also try your hand at milling flour!
A team of enthusiastic volunteers work hard to make the Grade II listed building an exciting place to visit.
Councillor Daniel Efde, Portfolio Holder for Customer Services, Legal & Leisure, said: “You don’t need to travel miles to have a great day out with the children when we have the award-winning Rayleigh Windmill on our doorstep. We are excited to be opening this iconic venue for families to enjoy over the festive period.”
Entry is free of charge, donations are gratefully accepted.
Please see our website for more information on the Rayleigh Windmill