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Leigh On Sea News
Youth Club Seeks Volunteers - A LEIGH-based youth group are looking for volunteers to help them deliver their services.
A LEIGH-based youth group are looking for volunteers to help them deliver their services.
Fusion Youth & Kids Leigh runs every Thursday in term time at Wesley Methodist Church from 6 to 7.30 pm.
The Youth Club is attended by around 100 children, who enjoy sports, X Box, games, craft, table football, pool, competitions and more.
Fusion represents a vital source of activity and socialising for youngsters in the community.
A spokesperson said: “We are in desperately in need of more volunteers to help keep Fusion open.
“Our sessions are entirely run by volunteers, and regularly hosts around 100 children and young people.
“Could you spare a couple of hours to help out once a month, or every other month, or event once a term?
“Whatever you are able to offer, please do get in touch and help us keep this club open for children and young people in our local community.”
Contact Emma on 07766 588 877 or email: [email protected]
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